Saturday, December 10, 2005

I Am a Token Gentile

This is the "ACLU for the 2nd Amendment". After reading about them and looking over their no compromise approach to defense of the second amendment several years ago I joined their organization. I sent in my $20.00 with a note asking if they accepted gentiles. Mr Zelman responded stating that gentile dollars spent the same as Jew dollars and I was welcome.

Take a look around the site. You will be impressed by the passion of their commitment to your right to keep and bear arms.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Lifted from Vox's
"It's even further irrelevant because feminist guys like me are not submissive nor weak. It's just that pansy ass guys like you can't stand how we bag all the hot bi chicks, so you need names to call. :-)
jhkim | Homepage | 12.08.05 - 3:59 pm|#"

Thanks for informing us of that imposing reality. Now, go put on your makeup, grab your manpurse and get ready to go be really sensitive at the rally, Mary.

I just love the sissy boys who act tough on a computer. "bag all the hot bi chicks".... please. You could probably stroll through a whorehouse with a roll of thousands strapped to your neck and still not get action.
Scintan | 12.08.05 - 4:22 pm

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bill - Down With the Witch Thang or I love it When Folks Go Off

Obviously the English language is a derivation of the Pagan tongue. This points at America's roots as a pagan nation that was co-opted by Christians who then adopted all the pagan holidays and symbols in an effort to win over the vast majority of the population that was pagan at that time. All historic American documents (Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, etc) were all actually derived, often in large directly transcribed sections, from ancient druidic writings that were originally written on oak bark using the blood of goats mixed with the pee of the last remaining unicorn.
Bill Edit comment Delete comment | Email | Homepage | 12.07.05 - 10:53 am |

And that was just the preface!

I would put that into 'Theban' (An ancient tongue, the origins of which are lost in the mists of time! Really. No, it really is ancient. really, I'm serious. Seriously; serious!) but I can't seem to find my secret decoder ring. Help me out, Res.
How come no witches have shown up to turn us all into newts? (I got better) Must I put 'wiccan' in a header? I don't think I can do it.
**************************N O T I C E*******************************

This is off-topic I know, but JamieR was mentioning a trip to the US. I know of a certain river (now a lake) in Georgia where we could give him a real "downhome" welcome to our (red)neck of the woods. Y'all know what I'm talkin' about and those who don't haven't seen Deliverence.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Lost : West Virginia Witch

Hey, Nate I think I found your ex-neighbor! She's down in Florida doing battle with other witches and reading and writing in ancient tongues.

Who wants to bet the "ancient tongue" is a derivative of pig-latin?


Go here for the "Theban" alphabet. "It's origins are lost in the mists of time", but it corresponds directly to the English alphabet. Hmmm

Monday, December 05, 2005

Goodbye Fancy

My youngest daughter is grieving the loss of her most faithful friend.

Remember Me

When you hear the thunder
remember me
for those are my hoofbeats
upon your heart
deep in the night.

Do not fear the lightning
and remember me
for my hooves strike sparks
so you may see
in your darkest hour.

And when the rain falls
remember me
for those are my tears of joy
as I run with the sky herd
free of rein and pain and heavy burden.

Look up and remember me
for you will see the shape of my
fiery head thrown high
among the clouds,
warmed by sun but even more
because you remember me.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Take notice. It’s a bad thing. In fact this is what’s got us ass deep into raghead shit. For those of you who don’t know; ethnocentricity is the instinct to think others are like ourselves in values, beliefs, goals, morals. This applies even in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary.
An example of this alluded to above is the fact that Americans seem unable to fathom the brutality and sensless violence the raghead culture is steeped in and the reality that the culture is centered around obescience to those with the will to make brutal application of force. This has also happened to us in the past with the Soviets and Vietnamese peoples. A large segment of the population still goes glassy-eyed when the horrors of life under Stalin and Co and the millions of dead are recalled. They try to put communism in the context of they’re own experience and their experience doesn’t allow for the realities of federal mass murder. They have no experience with those who would gladly die to kill a few folks they know are no threat to them.

The murderbombers and their ilk also look at us through the lens of ethnocentricity and believe we will respect the greater brutality and murderousness, as they would, of their culture. We won’t, nor will we see past our own ethnocentric blinders and exercise the level of ruthless domination ragheads respect in those they hold up in authority over themselves.

One would think after killin millions of them on the battle field with the comparative effort of fly-swatting the idea would sink in Perhaps we are not letting enough return to their excuse for civilization maimed, starved, broken, and burned to tell the tale. Maybe instead of corralling them, feeding them, fixing them medically, and suckin’ up to them before releasing them we should chase their sorry draggin’ asses all the way home taking potshots at ‘em along the way. Think it would help? I do.