When Nate ad I were makin' our liesurely way back from our ICBM (That's Intra Continental Ballistic Missle) impersonation through Tennesse, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas year before last we plotted our return encompassing the Natchez Trace. On it, we sheltered from a horrendous thunderstorm in a little town in Mississippi under the awning of a country store/fuel station. The only soul minding the store was a cordial black fella. Within' ten minutes of our arrival a strange thing happened.
About vehicles suddenly began pulling up to the store from all directions. It happened so fast we didn't pay much mind to it as we were mainly concerned with when the rain would let up and where we could score some RainX for our face-shields. One must also remember that being the only white folk in an all black rural Mississippi town is not like being the only white folk in the ghetto.
Eventually, even more cars/trucks/vans pulled up and some of the brothers looked to be from the 'hood when it suddenly dawned on me that more were showin' up, noone was leavin' and this might not be a coincidence. It probably was, or we may just have been the only white folks they had seen in awhile.
"Hey, Y'all gotta come see these ignur'nt white folks what's ridin' motorcycles in the rain!"
So, being the type of CCW permit holder I am I decided I'd hate to have to shoot any racially insensitive black folks, clued Nate in, said our fare-thee-wells and scooted on out. In the driving rain.
I stumbled upon this pic at BigDogAdventures.com of a store in Mississippi that sure looks familiar....