Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hey Y'all! We're off.....

Yesterday we got together and made a shakedown run on the bikes then checked for loose fasteners (blue loctite is my friend!) Nate had already run out of fuel once before I even got here - it seems whoever prepped the bike put the petcock on reserve and about a gallon of fuel in it. Our poor mother had to bring him fuel out in the middle of nowhere...

look into the KLX250/KLX650. They were made from '93 to'97 and there are some really good examples on the market for around 2500 to 3000. Nate's KLX250 is very similar to them if not the same bike.

Nate's bike rocks! Sure it's a little down on power from the KLR650 but it really makes up for it in weight savings. And that SUSPENSION! Oh, Man! It just soaks up everything!

For the record, I was the first to jump Nate's bike.

The AudioBlogs won't have titles, sorry.


Nate - Taurus Tracker .357

Me - CZ100 in 9mm

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