Monday, March 28, 2005

The curious affair of Terri Shiavo and Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli

Perhaps it’s just that I haven’t been reading much commentary lately, but while lots of folks are criticizing the Bush brothers for their feeble and perhaps cynical use of Terri Schiavo for political gain, I got to wondering about the timing of all this. What one thing has come out of this that will stick in the mind of Johnny work-a-day?
Here's what I think: That these judges are not only getting sillier by the minute, but they are starting to get out of hand. The seed has been planted in the back of every man's mind that some fat no-account ambulance chasing liar-for-a-living may one real day hold his fate in its pale puffy putrid hands. They just might need takin’ down a notch, eh?
And just how many seats on the Supreme Court are coming open? After the Bush brothers made a conspicuous run at these judges ("black robes" they says, homebaked demigods says I) I don’t see GW having a lot of trouble getting constructionist judges past the senate. No one will take significant notice that several Republican appointees participated in the murder of Terri Schiavo and they will beat the opposition with the Terri Schiavo stick until none are left opposing them excepting Barney Lispingfag Frank.
In this scenario the Brothers Bush may not save Terri, in fact she MUST die in order for it to work. Machiavelli is smiling somewhere; hot as it may be.

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