Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Spacebunny Goes Tactical

Lifted from Nate's:

SB says,
.....you are making the erroneous assumption that Nate and UO and others would have waited this long. There has not always been this kind of guard on her and if someone were trying to kill my child (remember this has been going on a very long time, not just the past few weeks) I would have had her out of there years ago (when he first petitioned to remove her feeding tube) and there wasn't the security.

As they say, "possession is nine-tenths of the law". Think what a better chance the family would have to keep her alive had they only followed SB's advice. Though I suspect they have been thinking they fell down the hole with Alice for a month now. (The situation was probably unimaginable.) They would HAVE physical custody of their daughter and the judge would have to order her removed from theirs into the shithead's tender care. Law enforcement would have to ACT to kill her, rather than just preventing someone acting to save her. Whole different ballgame! Can you see judge grim and his Barney Fife squad executing an Elian Gonzalez(sp?) type raid to return her to the custody of those who wish her dead? Her dad, with a .38 snub, could hold them off to a buffer of 100 yards, probably more, by firing into the air! Make sure the rest of the family are Dad's hostages so only he goes to jail when some judge somewhere finally decides to lift the death sentence on his daughter and Mom and the rest are still around to care for her. Have a brother or two in reserve in case they try again. I know many who have a month's worth of food/water without even tryin'. The county isn't going to pay for the deputies to sit around that long drinkin' coffee and cowering behind their vehicles, especially if Dad works the media to his advantage. Factor in some forethought, and this becomes a very winnable situation at least in the short term.

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