Saturday, July 09, 2005

It's stealin', I know....

but Nate brought up mass transit and I have always thought mass transit was a Bad Idea. Unless you are cattle on the way to the slaughter house destined for death anyway. I know y'all know the old exercise where you identify a solution to a problem by lookin' at it from the perspective of "How would I make this happen if that was my goal?"; so How would you make folks inviting targets for raghead assheads?

1) Group them altogether in a small space so the least amount of munitions would result in the greatest destruction per unit of munition and personel.

2) Put this same group on a predetermined fixed schedule.

3) Advertise said shedule months in advance so one would have plenty of time to plan very specifically and in detail.

4) Restrict the targets movement within the the small space and ability to independently repulse attack.

5) Encourage folks to habitually follow the instructions of those representing themselves as authority figures.

6) Inhibit the ability of those supposedly charged with the safety of the cattle from removing or prohibiting the presence of ragheads in their 20's and 30's.

This list could go on a long time, but you get the picture. Just for fun think about how dumb it is to put yourself this much under the control of an entity that obviously works counterproductive to you own safety, survival, and freedom.

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