JACIII WellDigger Nate

Just so you know, this is how it starts. Wimpy little geek bikes - not much more than scooters - dark sunglasses, leather jackets, and a willingness to waste large amounts of time rippin' around on Tennessee's two lanes no matter what the wife says.
- Where ya' goin' ?
- Don't know.
- Well, when are you gonna be back ?
- Don't know.
- Are we going out to Demo's (fine Greek resturant in Murfreesboro, TN) ?
- If we get back in time.
- When's that?
- Don't know.
- We're supposed to go to Brook's to play pictionary tonight!
- (Insert bellylaughs from Nate's big brothers here.)
Now, that's for an afternoon ride, think what the conversation was like for a week out west at Felony Velocity.
To be fair the womenfolk have been remarkably tolerant of this sort of behavior, as womenfolk go. Or we'd be single by now !