So, what's on the menu? Big Beef, Pink German, and Early Boy.
If ya' ask me, I'll tell ya' anything other than a Big Beef is a waste of good dirt, so I let the wife plant the niche tomatos in the (Troybilt) garden and I went whole hog on two Big Beef plants.

As you can see this is a little different method for growing tomatos. I picked this up from Uncle Fred from whom much timeless wisdom and brilliant bullshit flows. Much as I like tillin' a garden I hate weeding it at least as much, and I just want to kill every bunny born, but not SpaceBunnies. I'll share my tomatos with SpaceBunnies.
Anyway, ya' cut about a 1" hole in the bottom of a five gallon bucket. (Yes, Bill, you can use a holesaw) and stuff your plant through it taking care to not damage any of its tender stems and leaves. Moisten the root/soil block and hang the bucket before filling the bucket with topsoil. I use my super double secret recipe of aged and tilled horse shit, rabbit shit, and garden soil. I usually put a couple of shovels full in and then water again before filing the rest of the way.
The vine will grow down happily without all the weeds and bunny trouble. Water and fertilizer are applied from the top of the bucket.
There are several advantages to this:
1) It's entertaining to "pluck" tomatos instead of pickin' 'em up off the ground like common folk.
2) The top-down watering/feeding method gets all the goodies to the plant.
3) the bunnies and beetles can't reach it. Though I have considered using a fishook through a leaf to catch one... Could be fun.
I'm sure this looks appetizing to deer, but I'll take my chances. Y'all give it a try. Even cityfolk can do this, and your neighbors will think you're a damned genius.
Hey, Gregg:

Link dies: Here's the new one.