This country has gone really bad on two occasions in it's history and with it has gone the hope of the world for free men and free societies.
Things were tickin' along pretty well up until 1861 when the colder and more subservient half of the country (bootlickin' yankee scum; beady-eyed cocksuckers all) became enthusiastic willing cannon fodder for those in power with imperial urges. The better half of he country was raped and pillaged and an attempt was made to remake these occupied territories in the image of the land of beady-eyed cocksucker's . It didn't work, even some of the beady-eyed cocksuckers began to realize their mistake, but the foundation of overreaching federal power was laid.
The second time things really went to shit: FDR, the great depression, the emergency powers act, confiscation of gold, the federal reserve. That finished it. No way back from that. We've been fucked ever since, just by varying degrees.
Lecture over. I'll hear no more surprised indignation from anyone proclaiming their rights violated. The only time said 'rights' are retained or defended is when someone is able to shine the light of truth through the illusion of freedom those runnin' the place hide behind. Even then they only genuflect toward the constitution until the light moves on at which time they creep out from the holes the crawfished into and carry on. Business as usual. 'nuff said.
Quit bitchin'. Hoarde ammo.