Saturday, August 09, 2008

Enter the Dragon

What you are lookin' at here is the last pulloff before starting up the hill to The Dragon proper. I had to take a pick to torment those who couldn't go.

Hey!, What are friends for?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Harley Riders Caught in a Time Trap

Somewhere about 1976 a whole boatload of american otherwise males stepped out of the flow of time and into the Twilight Zone of a time trap. Ya' every been sittong around a campfire with a bunch of fellas and some asshat pipes up with the old chestnut, "Guys, it just doesn't get any better than this." Now this is, at any given time, a demonstably untrue statement but some folks looked around in 1976 and thought that very thing.

In fact, they thought it so hard they managed to step outside the steady flow of time by which the rest of us gauge past events. An example of this is the fellow below:

Don't think Screamin' Eagle, think NRHS or Zippers.

An 883 can be taken out to 1250cc with just bolt-on parts. 90rwhp, 75lbft/tq at the rear wheel is attainable on pump gas.

If you REALLY wanna get your hands dirty, an 88" kit is available that should yield 110+rwhp, 100+ lbft tq, again on pump gas.

Or you could just leave it as an 883.
rubber side down,


I lifted this from a thread over on wherein a fella was lookin' to slow down a bit and asked folks to chime in on which Harley's were preferred among the herd. The thing to note is the horsepower number being touted. Keeping in mind this is a 2008 thread, I will point out to the uninformed that a modern 600cc bike carries better numbers from the factory for a less princely sum. Add up all the time wasted and money burned (thousands) to bump the old wheezer up to less that respectable numbers and you have found yourself an idiot or a timewarp victim. You pick.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

For Angela: Supermoto Madness

I know this is a repost, but I gotta take care of the homegirls.

No squealing with delight while at work, Angela.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008