Saturday, April 30, 2005

Proof Positive

Soccer is for sissies. The captain of the UK (That's United Kingdom, lest some ethnocentric yankee think Kentuckians are engaging in such behavior) 'football' team is publicly giving out beauty tips.
Normally, were I to say a man was giving out beauty tips I would be refering to something like, "Hey man, if you cut your finger off you can glue it back on with Super Glue. Yeah, Works great! See?!" or, "My wife quit buying soap for the shower, too, so I just use whatever squirts outa one of them bottles that doesn't appear to be synthetic jism. Sure, same stuff for the hair and beard, too. Kinda smelly, though...."

This soccer star, though, uses moisturizing cream and enjoys manicures. His wife says he is very much a "new man" and "totally in touch with his feminine side. He loves having his face and nails done."


I always thoguht soccer was for the the uncoordinated kids who couldn't play basebal, football, basketball or those without fathers who's mothers forced them into it because they couldn't bear to see little Richard compete (gasp! bad for self esteem). Turns out it's just a bunch of queeners exchanging beauty tips. Can't say I'm really surprised at that anymore than at the 'revalation' that the youngest of the Jackson Five is a pervert.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I'm Gettin' Pissed.

Blogger is a pain in the ass to post a pic anyway, and then they gotta go and screww around with it all the time. Man! Here I've been surfin' the web and slobbering over the 1000DS Welldigger clued me onto and I can't corrupt anyone else by puttin' up a 'to die for' pic.

Gimme time. The weather has been nice in the afternoons and I just can't get to the keyboard. Hope y'all are neglecting the keyboards, too!

See ya'!