Saturday, March 19, 2005

Gregg if you can find some time away from your saucey neighbor...

Check this out:


This type of riding and the TransAm Trail are what dualsports like the Kawasaki KLR650, the KTM Adventure 950, and the V-Strom are all about.

Show of hands here. Who WOULDN'T want to go riding off with Spice?


KBC FFR Posted by Hello

New Helmet is Here!

This gonna be boring to some of ya'. No dirtbike crap outa you, Gregg.

I have been riding with a 'modular' helmet for about three years now and won't be w/o one. Modular helmets allow you to access your face w/o removing the helmet and are sometimes used as an open faced helmet with the chinbar in the up position against manufacturers warnings.
As you may be aware I laid BigRed down last fall and my Symax helmet took a lick. One whack is all they are good for so I've been shopping. I stumbled upon a KBC FFR model modular and to my delight it is made to be worn either with the chinbar down or up!!!

Anywho, Here it is:

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Grass is Green, Water's Wet, The Sky is Blue and Women


DC says,

I was blind-sided because I wasn't paying attention and I wasn't paying
attention because I was over-confident. I was over-confident because everything
was going so good. Sound familiar?

Now, I ain't pickin' on DC so unwad yer panties.

One of the observations I made early on in adult life was that a man is overmatched in the cunning department when it comes to the female of the species. Now, I only know DC through his posts and I guess I missed the stuff about the "she-devil", but I really doubt DC wasn't paying attention. I'd more likely believe some femme fatale concieved, planned, produced, and executed a blindside haymaker on him complete with diversionary tactics.

I've seen this many times. It ususally happens to some poor schmuck who goes to work everyday, tries to take care of his family, and is pretty much a doormat at the house and whose most offensive trait is snoring and playing cards with the fellas once a month or fishing on the weekends. Their wive's find a new stud and leave them. But they don't JUST leave. They plan an exit stategy whereby the guy is left unsuspecting while they retain lawyers, get papers signed, make suitabley advantageous impressions on the minds of friends/relatives, and generally get ready to pull the rug from under a guy while pulling the wool over his eyes. You can tell this is getting ready to happen when a man who formerly has complained that wifey is not forthcoming w/ sexual gratification suddenly thinks he's cock-o-the-walk because the woman is making sure he doesn't suspect her intentions or actions by sexually distracting him. The man is thinking that this woman has finally come to her senses and realized what a prize she has while she is thinking, 'heh, heh, heh!' It's not always sex, it can be housekeeping, or consideration, etc.

When next you see this fella he is head in hands, lip on the floor.

"Sam, why are you working all the time? Don't you ever go fishing anymore?"

Answer:"I have to work this much so I can afford to eat. The wife took the house, car, and the kids, and I got the payments. After I pay her, make her house payment and her car payment, and pay rent on my aprtment, I'm lucky if I can afford buy food. I have to work double shifts just to survive."

The worst thing about the above is the poor bastard blames himself or feel like he bears some responsibility for what the woman did. To this man I say:

The second you believe you have any control over what a woman does or will do you are lost.

PS - Gregg, you're next. We need to talk about the single mother next door.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Gotta get somethin' straight here

DC said:

Having said that, I'd be very disappointed in Nate if he went on this trip
regardless of when the new one's born. Dr. Who needs you now, through the birth
and for weeks after.Be a man. This ain't time to be playing with your friends
and brothers, son.

Bah! I have held for quite some time now that a man has no business scurrying around like a midwife or wet nurse. Sure, when you look at the situation from a distance is seems right that the man should participate in the harrowing experience of delivery and assist in the hard hours immediately thereafter with getting baby fed, imprinted, started on the road to survuval in this big ol' world.

A man has no business in that delivery room or taking on the lion's (female) share of the intense initial care of baby. Mom needs her mother or her sister (presuming birthing experience) in there or both; a man is of no use other than to stand idly by recieving abuse from his woman while in extremis. I don't say this lightly, nor is this a 'traditional role' argument. There are few things that get under a man's skin like being involved in a problematic situation for which he has no solution or aid to present. We have a natural 'fix it' instinct which is thwarted by the alien environment for which we are unprepared into which we are thrust in this situation. Ladies, you have no idea how bad we want to kill somebody during this time.

And Girl's! Have you lost your damn minds? The risk is greater than the reward from the woman's perspective here unless the 'social boner' you get from telling all your girlfriends of the episode has an unhealthy importance. Given that the male reproductive system is highly motivated by visual stimulus, you risk nothing less than the loss of your man's desire for you. On the hit parade of important things to a happy wife this is #1 with a bullet. It is not uncommon for a man to carry with him a lasting image of his favorite female body part in a hideously distended state with all sorts of gruesome discharge in surprisingly large volumes (think 5 gallon buckets here) emanating therefrom. Remembering that we are inclined to 'root' around in these things from time to time from sheer exuberance, fixing this image in a man's mind would seem to be undesirable on the woman's part. The pactice of feminine hygene while in menses is surely less graphicly offensive yet women have no desire to 'share' this with their man.

On the matter of initial caregiving, we are useless. We can't feed the baby, we have no instinct nor equipment in these matters. We are only capable of futiley trying determine whom to injure to cause our offspring to stop wailing. Sure we can tote and fetch, but anyone can do that and we provide no comfort to the female past playing nursemaid. Not what we were built for. There is a mother, motherinlaw or sister somewhere quite capable and willing to help a woman with her 'sitz' bath.

The whole man in childbirth thing boggles the mind.