It's assholes and elbows around here, fellas. And I'll tell you one thing, by God, the work ain't nothing compared to the clerical duties associated with being a moblie equine Dr Scholls vendor.
I have tried many a system to streamline contacts, scheduling, invoicing, notes, and communication. DayRunner (never handy - uneditable - where's that pen?) , desktop PC (scratch a note and forget to add it), cellphone (no used - data entry too limited, and lastly, my trusty Visor Platinum, a triplicate invoice pad, and many combinations thereof. The Visor stood me in good stead until things got really hoppin' this spring and I did not have it on my person when making an appointment. Missed appointment - lost phone # - unhappy client. One pissed off horseshoer. See missing and appointment feels kinda like tellin' a lie. Icky. Anyway, I vowed this would never happen again and began searching for an all encompassing man portable device capable of managing contacts, scheduling, communication, notes, and invoicing - all at the same time.
Palm Treo 700p. I'm already using the Palm Desktop. Easy, slam dunk decision. Wait... No WIFI!! Not even wifi support?! What?! Palm is migrating to Linux?! Shit!
Palm Treo 700w. Microsoft is really gettin' on my nerves lately. But it has WIFI support (SDIO), and I have to admit Outlook has the Palm desktop beat all to hell (except for sub 1/2 hour scheduling).
A few minutes with the wife's Axim convinced me and I plopped down my hard earned money and hooked my PPC to my belt.
I'm looking at PPC invoicing programs and for a bluetooth printer now to mount in the truck. Geek nirvana, boys. Geek nirvana.