I knew better. I've been burned before. The boy has Never, Ever, E V E R recommended a good movie. But he was so enthusiastic I figured, "What the hell?!"
What the hell, indeed.
The thing starts off with government thugs trying to bone Natalie Portman who is saved by a masked dude with a lisp and uses the "v" sound alot. Mildly irratating, but not a movie killer.
There follows some pretty good mayhem and a few gratuitous shots at US foriegn policy, faith portrayed as the watch word of an oppressive government, the bad guys siting God to justify their legitimacy. It's hollywierd; nothing surprising here. In fact, one pretty much can't take in a movie w/o a minimum undercurrent of such tripe. Still, not too over the top for hollyweird, but I'm startin' to wonder when the professed merits of this flick start to overshadow the leftist hollyweird pap. Good thing I didn't hold my breath.
It goes off the deep end when a closet queener comes out of his closet and the scene shifts to said closet (secret room) wherein photographs of men fondling, and biting? one another get some big screen time. Lest we forget, the buttholebandit also has a fourth century copy of the goatherd scribe's koran (illegal - but he appreciates the "beautiful images and poetry"). This fag is soon martyred.
At this point I call the BrokeBackBlaster to give him a good cussin' for wasting nearly an hour of my life. My wrath exorcised, I feel much better and sit back down with one finger firmly on the FFWD button. Maybe Natalie will have a wardrobe malfunction..... Nyet.
The movie goes on to raise a pair of lesbo's to sainthood complete with a scene of one's obviously small minded bigoted parents crying over what was "only the truth".
One is martyred and is the inspiration for both the heroine's and the main character's respective epiphanies which leads to the primary motivation for the climax of the movie.
The premise is solid though absolutely buried beneath wagon loads of stereotypical leftist manure, and wading through 90 minutes of George Soros' Gay Party Propaganda is not my idea of entertainment. My brother on the other hand....
"V" for Vendetta sucks. Skip it. You have been warned.