Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Demon Spawn

I have two daughters. The only thing they have in common is that they wear cowGIRL boots with pointed toes and love their horses. Completely different in outlook, personality, and disposition. The little one, Isabella (7) is the firebreather. I just never know what she's gonna do!

We have a young 70lb. dog that likes to try and push Isabella around (35lbs.). I look up the other day and she's puttin' her boots to the dog. Walks on like nothing happened.

A little girl in her Sunday school class asked, "Will you play with me?".
Isabella says, "If Igive you a quarter will you leave me alone?".

We have been trying to get my oldest daughter to pay attention to her manners. She is 11 and we have been trying to get her to start sitting like a lady. We had been working on reminding her at every opportunity for a week or so when I walked by Isabella lounging in my recliner.
Hey, Dad!", she says while hoisting one leg up over her head, "Not very lady-like is it?!" Laughed herself silly.

I killed a beautiful young doe a couple years back. The girls insisted on seeing it. I was thinkin' well they damn sure won't eat any venison after seeing this pitiful innocent lookin' critter bad ol' Daddy shot. I opened the back of my wagoneer (yep - wood on the sides!) and they felt its fur and walked back in the house. No big deal. They loved the meat that winter. When it was gone the following summer Isabella says, "Dad, do you remember that girl deer you killed last winter?"
Fearing the worst, I said,"Yes Isabella. Why?"
Isabella - "Will you kill another one so we can eat it?"

Ya' see what I'm up against?