Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Hammer Came Down

Well I never thought I'd have to do it, but I banned someone today for trolling. Deleted their posts even. It's dictatorial, I know.

I'm sure there will be disagreements here, arguments, hissy fits even and all that is OK; but outright trolling... nope. I am more than willing to share what meager knowledge/experience I possess and am quite capable of admitting I am wrong. I am wrong so often (so the wife says) I have gotten in the habit of admitting it even. But if you've got an ax to grind, do it somewhere else. There are ways to make points that provoke thoughtfulness in others and there are ways to provoke others. I will not provide space or a forum for you.

Stir shit somewhere else. And at least grow the balls to display your email and homepage.

Nuff Said.

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