Saturday, May 07, 2005

"I think this guy is a loser. " - Harry Reid

This is my favorite tack used by democrats. Harry is refering to GW here, of course, and to my knowledge he hasn't been beat at ANYTHING. This, I guess, makes him a loser in the eyes of his opponents. From whence does this shit come? They're either hypnotised or trying to hypnotise us through repitition is all I can figure. How else do you explain such obvious serial rejection of reality?

They have been on a steep downhill slide since Clinton was inaugurated and Newt began beatin' them about the head and shoulders, steadily losing any grip on power, yet they herald Bill Clinton as a savior. He presided over the most dramatic shift away from a party since FDR in the midst of no causal crisis either real or imagined. Now, they consider him a "winner", nay, an idol - worshipped by the denizens of the dinosaur blog and legacy media alike.

GW has whipped their asses at every turn, and done it in a manner which looks like a hard fought narrow victory starting with the governorship of Texas. That flies once, or maybe twice. Not every time. What these dolts are doing is staying at the table, betting, while a shark runs it on 'em over and over again, but just barely. That's what democrats call a "loser".

While this makes democrats fun to watch (I especially enjoy listening to NPR after whatever latest ass whoopin' has been visited upon the left! Whaaa! Whaaa! Big tears!) it makes it particularly frustrating when they are taken seriously about ANYTHING.

The corollary to the above is, "What's GW doing to those of us who would appear to be on the same side of the political spectrum?"