Me and a buddy, Jamie, shod 27 horses and one miniature donkey today, only 3 had to be tranquilized, 3 required swift kicks to the ribs, 4 needed stud chains, 2 got their ears damn near twisted off, and one required IV tranquilization, its ear twisted damn near off (lifted me off the ground w/ said ear), rib kicked, and the wooden handle of a 17 inch steel rasp bent upon its head. Craziest damn horse I've ever seen.
At one stop we worked on a man's horses for 2 1/2 hours, wrote him a bill for $500.00 and he called to thank us for the work we did.
I trimmed two horses on a horse farm big as most counties, with stables the size of mini malls and had a chick from Uraguay holdin' horse for me while a mexican handed me tools like I was in the OR (You end up really workin' your ass off when people hand you tools! I didn't know that.)
After all that I came home and rode BoJack the formerly unridable mustang who has to date thrown his previous owner and six men who break horses for a living. Whoo Hoo!
Jamie went on to fix one more dead lame horse w/o me before he called it a night. That's not dead and lame, but dead lame like deadlame or really very lame. You get it.
As you can probaly tell I'm thinkin' I'm a badass right about now.
'Nite Y'all!
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