Monday, September 12, 2005

JACmail : ToolTime!

Bill's palm nailer review:

Palm nailer. palmNailer. PalmNailer. Palmnailer.
You'll go blind doing that.

Totally off topic, I had a chance to use my new palm nailer over the weekend. Good news, they work as advertised. Bad news, I got a Stanley instead of a Senco. Damn thing had to be tuned up before I used it even once! As soon as I hooked up the air hose it started hissing. Turns out a gasket was pinched on the piston, so I replaced the gasket (they were nice enough to include a pack of gaskets with the nailer). After that I had maybe a half dozen times when the piston would just hang and I'd have to bang it around to get it to start working again, this was in the course of a 5 pound box of nails. Should'a got the Senco. But the Stanley came with a case and several different sized heads for less money than the just the Senco nailer (which was just the nailer itself in a cardboard box), and I really wanted a case. Looks like I might end up with a Senco nailer in a Stanley case.

It worked great for joist hangers and for pounding in 20d nails. I was pushing in 10d twist nails like I was pushing them into warm butter. The best way to use it seems to be to set the nail with a regular hammer, then push it in with the palm nailer. The nails vibrate rather painfully when you try to hold them and push them in with the nailer, and the magnetic holder is not strong enough to hold even a little 10d nail straight. The only serious problem I have with it is that it's just a skosh too big to fit next to the joist, if it were about a half inch narrower, even on one side, it would be much better.
Bill | Email | Homepage | 09.12.05 - 2:04 pm | #

Thanks, Bill. I was at BiG Lots the other day and they had roofing nailers for $89.00. Hmmmmmmmmm....

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