Sunday, November 06, 2005

I Miss My X-Car

For those of you not in the clique, an X-Car is common parlance among owners of the Ford Excursion. Just as fuel prices started to rise I ditched the Excursion in favor of the most fuel efficient 4x4 with 5000lb+ towing capacity I could find. We got a Jeep Liberty smoker (that's a diesel ladies - SB already knew that) and it is big fun, reliable, and cheap to keep. It's no Excursion, though.

I firmly believe there is no luxury greater than space. That being said, our old Excursion is probably the most luxurious vehicle I have ever been in, and it was quite reasonably priced for what it was. 8000 lbs of steel, 425 Hp and 400 ftlbs of torque, four wheel drive like an old power wagon, a foot of ground clearence, four cows worth of leather interior, drove like a big Mercedes, an undercarriage that brings to mind a cement truck.

I have had a sneaking suspicion that the fact that it and other SUV's offered unparalleled luxury and capapbility to the masses is the primary reason for the 'anti-SUV' vehemence in society. Who do you hear gripin' about 'em?! Beady-eyed-cocksuckers with enough money to buy 1000 of 'em. It's just no fun being a bigshot if when stopped in traffic the view from your limo is the polished hub of a 4x4 wheel on Suzy Homemaker's Suburban which happens to have features and amenities your limo doesn't. That won't do. Can't have folks who work for a livin' havin' it too good, can we?

The other SUV haters are commiesratbastards and can't abide having the benefits of the free market displayed before their unbelieving eyes.

Alas, what the beady-eye-cocksuckers and the commie-rat-bastards couldn't do fuel prices have. The X-Car was nice, but I couldn't see spendin' $300.00 a week to have the wife livin' large.