Obviously the English language is a derivation of the Pagan tongue. This points at America's roots as a pagan nation that was co-opted by Christians who then adopted all the pagan holidays and symbols in an effort to win over the vast majority of the population that was pagan at that time. All historic American documents (Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, etc) were all actually derived, often in large directly transcribed sections, from ancient druidic writings that were originally written on oak bark using the blood of goats mixed with the pee of the last remaining unicorn.
Bill Edit comment Delete comment | Email | Homepage | 12.07.05 - 10:53 am |
And that was just the preface!
I would put that into 'Theban' (An ancient tongue, the origins of which are lost in the mists of time! Really. No, it really is ancient. really, I'm serious. Seriously; serious!) but I can't seem to find my secret decoder ring. Help me out, Res.
How come no witches have shown up to turn us all into newts? (I got better) Must I put 'wiccan' in a header? I don't think I can do it.
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This is off-topic I know, but JamieR was mentioning a trip to the US. I know of a certain river (now a lake) in Georgia where we could give him a real "downhome" welcome to our (red)neck of the woods. Y'all know what I'm talkin' about and those who don't haven't seen Deliverence.