Friday, December 23, 2005

Y'all have a great Christmas !

Don't know how much I'll be around this and next week. The grils are off to Grandma's and as soon as I trim 14 horses and shoe one (That takes care of the Christmas bills!) this afternoon I will be following on the Mothership. I am hoping to ride to the Keys next week weather permitting.

Audioblogger is history, so I can't send ride reports, but there's always Nate's Peep Paradise, or EP's new pad, and Vox is picking on girls again. Pick your poison.

I know, I didn't get everyone's links up here, so do what I do and look through the comments for links to Roci and whosyourhuckleberry and the rest. Good readin' all around.

- Update -
Horses done ($400.00 for 2 1/2 hours work!!!!), bike warmed up, showered (Yes, I washed behind my ears), shaved, clean underwear (in case I'm in an accident). See y'all!