Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's High Time For a Trip

SwampThing has undergone some mainteance upgrades lately, and I'm thinkin' it's time to take him out on the road. So, I am beginning the initial stages of planning a motorcycle excursion. An adventure. No great thing. A small thing. Leaning toward another Iron Butt trip, but a loop this time. Have to see what's 500 miles away and interesting. Looks like a solo trip this time as Nate appears covered up in domestic duties.
Break out my old 2002 edition of Streets and Trips and look around..... Some possiblities: A SuperSlab Tour through major cities nearby (ugh), A Hillbilly Backroad Tour through eastern Kentucky and East Tennessee, A Never Too Far From Home Tour which maintanes a maximum radius from the house of 3 hours driving time. Of all these the Hillbilly Backroad Tour looks the most interesting. May plot a River Road Tour along the Ohio; that'd be fun, too.