Friday, October 27, 2006

The Lizard Queen strikes fear into the hearts of... men?

First, there's my little brother who has been reading his own posts too much. For those of you collecting Nate-isms this is a "scrapbooking moment":


how niave can you be?
Nate | Email | Homepage | 10.26.06 - 11:09 am | #

Then Will tries to pull me out of my delusional state:

J, I don't want to seem like I'm insulting your intelligence, but remember that 48% of the country's voters pulling the level for Kerry. Hillary is a much more electable candidate than Kerry. All she has to do is win an extra 2% of the voting population and she's in.

She has the name and face recognition, that false crutch that "things were better under my husband", and the fact that most of the only people who see her for what she really is are us on the Extreme Right who nobody listens to anyways.
Will | Email | Homepage | 10.27.06 - 5:04 am | #

President Hillary? You're smokin' crack.

Sure, it's a national election. But politics is local, folks, and no one has abolished the electoral college since last I checked. Didn't Al Gore 'win' the national election?

Oh, The Lizard Queen has 'star power', I'll grant you that, but it is a hollow thing of the sort hollywood denizens command so long as they keep their mouths shut about what they really think and stay with the script their publicist gave them. Hillary, like (the artist formerly known as) Prince, Madonna, Sting and other one-name pop stars has an ego too great to allow her to do that. I can't wait until this screech owl gets revved up. Remember Howard Dean? You ain't seen nothin'.

The Lizard Queen has yet to walk into a fight where the electorate was not already skewed in her favor. She could have run for senator in Arkansas, could she not? Considering the weight the South has been throwing around in national elections, perhaps that might have been the place to start a run for the presidency. Sure, being a NY senator is a bit more in the limelight, but when was the last time a yankee state swung an election? She is sittin' safe, building up her confidence to face the big boys while hoping James Carville will save her from those rednecks who shit all over Al Gore and said all those nasty things about that nice man, John Kerry.

She's not somebody. She's somebody's wife. I'll be surprised if she makes it out of the primary.

But don't let me stop y'all from gettin' all a-titter and swooning with fear at the certainty of Queen Lizard the First, by all means carry on with your fun. Drama Queens.