Thursday, November 02, 2006

Why would we ever want to be without the constant company of women?

JAC, how much fun can a guy have without a woman around? Isn't there a reason why it goes 'Wine, Women, and Song'?

Maybe I'm just weird, but I like going adventuring. And there are so many amazing places to go to . . .
BoysMom | Homepage | 11.02.06 - 4:04 pm

The version I have always heard is more like "Whiskey, Pussy, and Cigarettes", and I have always held that these things were to be had sequentially rather than concurrently.

Adventuring with women is a not really adventuring.
It's taking a woman somewhere, which is it's own kind of fun, but not the same thing.
It's going slow so she won't get scared.
It's planning a trip around Cracker Barrel locations.
It's passing up that sweet motel with the liquor store in the lobby.
It's mandatory showers.
It's changing clothes everyday.
It's not farting (audibly) in public.
It's not being able to say, "You ain't got a damn clue what the hell it is you're talkin' about. Now, shut the fuck up while I figure out what to do!" with out tears being shed.
It's having to find clean places to pee. Indoors for Christ's sake!
I could go on. .

We are happy husbands and fathers 24/7/365.25, but sometimes we want to be "just" men.

Many women don't understand this and feel threatened by it. They'll do everything they can think of to impinge upon it. I see it all the time, especially this time of year when men traditionally get together to hunt. There's always a few in a group, usually with young wives, who get phone calls throughout the day - or have to check in themselves 'cause the Mrs. managed to load 'em up with a guilt trip before they left. It's probably not only the women, either. I know guys who are scared to death their women are gonna figure out they don't have to have a man around all the time. Those fellas are best left at home, too. They'll muck things up as sure as havin' a woman along.