Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Dead Live, But Will Barbaro? Evidently not.

UPDATE: Doc was on FOX News today commenting on Barbaro, his treatment, and prognosis (not good). Check it out and bear in mind that this is the worlds foremost expert and practitioner. Link is here - scroll down to the bottom of the page.
While we're at it will somebody explain to me why on God's green earth you waould take a horse like Barbaro to PENNSYLVANIA for treatment when the world of horses revolves around Lexington, Ky?????? The world's foremost practioners in all fields relating to horses are within 50 miles of Lexington. Somebody fell for some yankee know-it-all bullshit I'm thinkin'.

I am in the giant cesspool of Louisville, Ky for four days sequestered in an Executive Suite and going to classes in a Seminar to improve my knowledge and skill as a Farrier. The main focus of the seminar is Laminitis (founder), but I have attended lectures on subjects from Veterinarian/ Farrier/ Client communication to shoeing to prevent long toe - low heel syndrome in thoroughbreds. Big fun!

Not that long ago horses with Laminitis (founder) were all but sentenced to a short life of intense pain followed by euthanasia. This occurred to the tune of 95% fatality to 5% recovery of all cases. About 15 years ago that ratio started swinging the other direction, due primarily to the obsession of one man: Dr. (DVM and Farrier) Rick Redden.

You have all heard about poor Barbaro and his battle with laminitis in the (previously) uninjured hind limb. Here's the fella they shoulda called:

Click the play button. Remember when a horse had to be shot if it broke it's leg?