Now what?

Four bolts, four wires, one throttle cable, a motorcycle jack, and 10 minutes later...

Looks like somebody forgot to clearance the bell housing......

That would have to be one wobbly crankshaft otherwise.
There are always three ways; your way, their way, MY WAY. Things will go a lot easier for you if we just do it my way in the first place.
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful: ![]()
Come on bro. $35.00 to learn how to change your oil on a motorcycle where both the drain plug and fill plug are in easy sight? I think that's worthy of a little ridicule. Of course, $35.00 isn't bad when you have to pay $15.00 a quart for the genuine Harley-Davidson Motor Oil. You need a very special oil to keep that cutting edge technology lubed and in tip top shape.
I have a Harley rider/friend who still uses straight 50w in cool weather and
actually uses 90w gear lube in the crankcase when it gets hot out. Keeps it
from leaking out as fast. He also carries a drip cup to catch the oil that
leaks out and pours it back in the bike before he starts it up. (I'm not
Dave B
One day, three international bloggers were comparing their swordmanship:
Vox says, "When I've a finished a makina da love withah my wife, I go down and gently tickle the back of her knees, She floats 6 inches above a da bed in ecstasy."
Nate replies, "Zat is noting, when Ah've finished making ze love with ze wife, Ah kiss all ze way down her body and zen Ah lick za soles of her feet wiz mah tongue and she floats 12 inches above ze bed in pure ecstasy." (editors note: Nate really does talk this way.)
Gary says, "That ain't nothing buddy. When I've finished pokin the ole lady, I git out of bed, walk over to the winder and wipe my wiener on the curtains. She hits the freakin ceiling.
"Nice guys don't finish last. They take extra laps while the cool guys blow up and crash out of the game. Lead thee not into temptation. Into the valley of death rode nobody sane. Take a step back from the edge, ride home and kiss your family.You have been warned.
Sometimes I don't. The devil stands behind me wearing toe-cleavage pumps an designer decolletage. She strokes my hair while I bet, laughing at pot limits while I flop sweat, addled and hoopy and tracking like a scud.
Those are the times I have to push in the whole stack. On the day that I lose - and everybody loses, a chip at a time or the whole pile at a single throw - she'll laugh again and raise an eyebrow at the Dealer"
BUT! Bunny (ahem...) Tree Hugger policies have turned national and state forests into tinder boxes resulting frequent emission of hundreds of tons of evil (says they) carbon dioxide.
3) Diversity and Tolerance are everything! They worship at the Church of the Progressive Utopian every day.
BUT! Taxes, cost of living, general standard of living, violent crime get worse every day.
4) The Gub'mnt Knows Best and will take care of everything 'cause they are real smart and stuff.
BUT! The ignorant hillbillies have reliable electricity and Kalifornians often don't.
"All I can tell you is this, I have a very good relationship with my neighbors," Coverely said. "I mow my lawn. The only thing that has changed is I have two McCain signs in my front yard."
Coverely said he has taken about 300 calls concerning stolen or vandalized McCain signs in the area.
"It says this campaign is getting vicious," Coverely said.
Coverely said it appears Democrats are becoming more aggressive in the county.
"The low-hanging fruit, ie idiots whose parents paid for prep school, Yale and then the Harvard MBA, was there for the taking," he wrote. "These people who were (often) truly not worthy of the education they received (or supposedly received) rose to the top of companies such as AIG, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and all levels of our government," he said.
"All of this behaviour supporting the aristocracy only ended up making it easier for me to find people stupid enough to take the other side of my trades. God bless America."
Most of us reaching middle age have seen friends be able to bridge periods of unemployment to save their houses and families with government benefits, and thought that good. We have seen aunts and uncles diagnosed with disease and have had Medicaid or Medicare provide the coverage to allow them to live, and thought that good. Or have become aware that the cure to most diseases has been the result of government financed research, and thought that good.
I also agree that if you vote in this country you are doing so only on the margins. However, included in those margins is the right to worship as you wish (cross burning being allowed), join a union, marry whoever the hell you want (even if they have the same genitals), let your daughter choose her way in the world, make sure your folks can go to the doctor (or nurse if they prefer) and not get bankrupted by that decision, etc.
Finally, and in a response to your initial response to kenpatirot, it is not the kid from podunk that the rest of the world views as a "bare foot toothless hillbiliy", it is the cartoon character that you portray of the small clan in the cave, with the trap door covered with a big "bars and stars", food for six months, ammo aplenty, ready for the invasion. Again, I apologize for initially assuming that wasn't you.
So here we are at Hurricane Inn near Waynesboro, Tn. Nice find.
More of the Natchez Trace tomorrow. For now it's corona and backwoods for the menfolk and some lemonade shit for the chicks.
The new ivy league Finance Manager's hand shot up, "Sir, I have looked at ways for us to tighten our belts and from my time out on the production floor the one thing that stands out as not contributing to productivity is the Janitor. I know it's a lot to ask of our hourly workers, but in the interest of preserving their jobs I think they can clean up after themselves in the restrooms. Perhaps we can ask for volunteers to do housekeeping off the clock? Or organize a rotating committee?"
The union man relating this tale told me he was aghast at this, suspecting the whole tableau of being some bizarre rehearsed scenario designed start a process to encourage general wage concessions. "I just sat there with my mouth hanging open." A pregnant silence persisted. Finally...
The Boss, "I just asked for suggestions on how we can cut a a half million dollars in cost and your idea is to fire somebody making $25,000 a year?! That's a helluva place to start. Maybe you don't understand; when the day comes we can't even afford to keep the restrooms clean I'll close the damned doors and we can all go home."
The new Finance Manager didn't stick around much longer.