Thursday, February 07, 2008

MK Ultra: Myth or Reality

The stars are aligned and the stage is being set for the next president and our democratic congress to start in on gun owners. Looks like this is part of the US conforming to UN type globalist standards. You and me, we're to go to work, pay taxes, and bend over for those in charge without being scarily armed. We need to be controlled for our own good. We are on the path folks.

First a chicago mall shooting.
Then a St Louis City Council meeting ends in a blood bath.
Now we hear a fella was on his way to shoot up the Superbowl over some city council issues.
Update: Another shooting in Gun-Free illinois! On a Gun-Free super ultra safe campus

The thing that everyone is going to miss is that the city council shooting is what we have the second amendment for. Somebody with a little political power lookin' to give a fella a rough time should be lookin' over his shoulder.

The chicago thing must be a complete fabrication; everyone knows chicago has a gun ban.

I bet the St Louis City Council meeting has a sign on the front door prohibiting firearms from the building, so that is obviously a fabrication, too.

Obama and Hillary are gonna need political cover to get on the anti-gun bandwagon to secure their nominations.

Seems Mr. Thornton did have a beef with the St. Louis city council.

He has spoke on it as best he could in the courts, and they denied all rights to the access of protection and he took it upon himself to go to war and end the issue,” Gerald Thornton said.

Video Link here.

The reporter, toward the end of the piece, says she wants to know if there weren't any metal detectors at the door or anyone "checking for guns". What an idiotic bimbo! Dude shot a cop first thing in the parking lot you moron! What the hell does she think metal detectors do? Set off the freeze ray or maybe the killer intent on murder and mayhem will simply wait after the alarm sounds for the police to cart him off to jail?! I can hear it now, "I came to kill everyone inside, but that metal detector stopped me in my tracks. It's illegal to bring a gun into city hall, you know."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For more on the CIA-side of human experimentation, see Human Drug Testing by the CIA.