Thursday, November 11, 2004

Happiness is Two Bikes

Here's the way it works;

Got up yesterday mornin' - Didn't feel like workin', checked the weather and saw it was gonna warm up in the early morning so......... Ridin' time!

It was still a bit cool so I broke out the Mothership (a Voyager by Kawasaki Heavy Industries) and rode the chill out the morning. Something about that cool crisp autumn air makes me breathe a little deeper, see a little farther down the road. I had the roads pretty much to myself so I stretched her legs a bit. Don't get excited - she's only a 1200 an weighs in around 1100 pounds, but she'll cruise at 95 all day. All was well 'til I decided to stop at Walmart.

Old men want my motorcycle. The Viagra/ Depends crowd look at it with undisguised lust, hell, they'll come right out and say it. 'That could be a show bike!', 'I can't believe it's 20 years old', 'Would you consider selling it?' I feel like I'm bein' hit on for christ sake! I just wanna ride. Leave me the hell be. I've told three geezers in the past week that my geezerglide is NOT for sale.
Sure enough one starts up. I hate to be rude... no I don't, but I was taught better so I grin and wait for an opportunity to split. And I do.

Next I pull to a stoplight and I hear a chick voice, 'Nice bike!'. Now we're gettin' somewhere!
Um, Uh, Thanks. (Push volume UP, Channel surf the radio!) RUN AWAY!

The ride home was nice, if a little nervous. So I pull in and there is poor Big Red. Forlorn. Jealous? Big Red needs to stretch her legs, too, I'm thinkin'. Long legs....

Now, Big Red is a Kawasaki Heavy Industries GPz1100. She's red as a whore's fingernails, one wicked bitch, and she can show ya' God if ya' got the balls to look. The kind of bike that makes one do 'Bad Things'. Lou Reed has a song about her...... nuff said.

So I presto chango from young blue-hair magnet to elder hooligan and turn the key. The rumble of 120 horse brings my blood up. Oh boy, is this gonna be fun! I give her some time and just enjoy the sound. O.K. - out onto the tarmac.... Man she sounds good..... Twist-release-lean-TWIST OH Yeah! Up comes the front wheel (she loves me). 105 is too fast in a residential area, so I ease off and make for my favorite country road. I won't bore you with the details of desserted two lane curvacious, hilly, perfectly paved roads other than to say I was airborne only once.

That's a two bike day.