Of course the reason they are talking about it so much is the same reason they talk openly about all of the planned (and some carried out) ways to remove your rights. The more the masses hear about it and how good it is the more complacent they are. After all, they're only doing it so they can help us right? It's a good thing and you are a very bad man for thinking they might possibly abuse all this power we've given them.
Spacebunny | 09.26.05 - 2:52 pm
And I agree with you SB, nothing like continually hearing something night after night on the news to get it drilled into people's heads that it is for their own good.
MR | 09.27.05 - 3:37 am
Whew! I was beginning to think I was the only one thinking the 'nightly news' and the daily paper were counterproductive to personal liberty and security. That damn box will phuck up anybodies though processes given enough time. Folks doin' a lot of time in front of one have a seriously pessimistic outlook toward their futures and see government as the only bulwark between them an literal starvation. They'll argue about it with you. Try 'em!
Next time you run across a fella discussing what happened on an episode of "x" sitcom like it was reality and 'news' or something involving friends/acquaintances find an occassion to bring up something like Katrina, oil prices, imports, free enterprise, hell, go for the ring! "Global Warming"! See what they have to say. You'll find yourself wanting to duct-tape a tinfoil hat to 'em.