Friday, September 30, 2005

Now, That's What I'm Talkin' About !

Farmer Tom is serious about his tractors and, no doubt, knowledgable. I knew these things, but what I didn't know was how well he could write. Of course, it helps to write of something you are passionate about.....

JACIII, I understand that it is your birthday and that you are now among the aged. This probably explains your inability to comprehend the fact the red tractors are for limp ----, spineless, commie, pinko, sons of perdition, who think that it's a crime to hunt and eat red meat. They suck off of the government tit so they can buy their underpowered, overweight, butt ugly, outdated, inefficent, smoke belching, gear grinding pieces of crap that the company tries to pass off as tractors.

People who drive red tractors require Viagria to get anything done.

Since I believe in absolute truth, I believe the Bible is God's written word to mankind, and it contains absolute truth, I give as my authoritative source, the very Word of God. And I quote, "TRACTORS ARE GREEN"
I Hesitations 40:20
farmer Tom | 09.30.05 - 2:12 pm

SB - "Hesitations 40:20" is a reference to JD's most popular model and its crappy, jerky hydaulics. At one time EVERYBODY had a 4020. That is, everbody who wasn't smart enough to have purchased an International 20 years before. '
Cause they were still using them!

I will be printing this out to show around to the fellas I know who are tractor afficianados. I'm not even gonna mention Ford/NewHolland. oops!