A friend of mine suffered from horrible back pain that would come and go but after a while seemed to just never go away. So he went to the doctor and went throught the whole nine yards, proctologist, MRI EVERYTHING. His doctor finally broke the news to him that his condition was chronic and that the only relief he might hope to find was through a radical surgery that involved removal of some tissue including his testicles.
Back pain ain't so bad.
But after a while the constant misery and pain or the alternative of a drug induced stupor was just too much to bear, so my friend bit the bullet and opted for the surgery.
What a difference! After the surgery he felt like a new... errr... man without balls. But his back pain disappeared.!
Still he was depressed. No balls, who wouldn't e depressed? he was so depressed that his doctor picked up on it. No psychologist, yet a caring empathic kinda man, the doc suggested to my friend that he might feel better after buying some sharp new clothes, a new suit even.
My friend being the obedient type decided to give that a try.
So my friend stops by at JoS Banke. As soon as he walks in one of the salesmen says to my friend "42 long!"
Darned if that isn't his jacket size, and being surprised by the astute young salesman, my friend responds, hey that's right! How'd you know my jacket size?
The salesman replies "that is my job sir. Will you be needing a new jacket and some pants, 34 waist, 36 inseam?"
Again my friend is surprised at the correct estimation of his pants size he replies, "hey that's right! How'd you know my pants size?"
Same response from the salesman, "that's my job sir."
So the salesman gets my friend all set up with new pants, jacket, shirt (yeah he got the size right on the shirt too), tie, even socks. Then while the salesman was ringing up the order my friend stopped him saying "hey, I need some new briefs too, would you add a half dozen size 34 briefs to my order?"
At which the salesman stops cold and says forcefully "NO SIR!" You need a size 36 brief!
My friend a bit taken aback retorted with a hesitant chuckle "sorry you are wrong on that one; I've always worn size 34 briefs."
Looking very serious now, the salesman puts his hand on my friend's shoulder seeming as if to communicate an exceptional graveness of some horrible issue about to befall the world. The salesman then, staring earnestly into my friend's eyes says "oh no sir, if you were to wear size 34 briefs for a prolonged time, they would bind your testicles and cause you to suffer unbearable back pain."