Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Shout out to Gregg!

This months Motorcyclist has and editorial column where the author raves about the DRZ-400 he's ridin'. Three pages of gushin' over what fun it is. For y'all who don't know this is Gregg's primary mode of transportation and he is justifiably proud of his mount.

The DRZ 400 is in a class of road going semi-serious trail bikes. The class includes the KLR650 (affectionately known as the Swamp Thing - Mine was blue and I called her Blue Yonder), the Honda XR 400 and XR650, Yamaha is curiously absent from the lineup except for the WR400 with is pretty dirt focused.

Now Gregg has the Suzuki and loves it, I've had the Kaw and can either sing it's praises or cuss its foibles by turns. Surely one of y'all has ridden the Honda, yes?