Comment from: rolicheroli
So I'm not all that into motorcycles but over the past week I've come to hate Harley fags as well...There we were in Key West enjoying drinks at plenty of cool outdoor bars in 70 degree weather. Relaxing, right? Hell no! Because at every green light at the intersection down the street, you could hear the next pack of fat assed, dirty old posers revving up for no damn good reason other than to announce to the world, "Look at me! I'm awesome!" Their claim might have been a bit more accurate had they not been one of a thousand assholes just like themselves polluting the place with unneeded racket. All I could think of was that South Park episode, and how dead nuts accurate it was at portraying these fags. There I feel better now.
Yesterday, 9:26:14 AM
Makes you wonder if that South Park episode has sparked any deep soul-searching in the Hardley Poseurs. I imagine the internal dialogue to be quite amusing.
It's not as if Harley riders have a monopoly on assholitude, though. I have encountered decent people on Harleys (my brother and his friends), and jerks on rice-burners.
There was an incident I experienced last summer where three guys on crotch rockets were racing up the main street running through town. This wasn't a problem for me, except they were doing it by slowing way down and blocking all three lanes of traffic (each bike in its own lane) to put some distance between themselves and the traffice ahead, then blasting off and racing down the street for a couple hundred feet, before slowing down and doing it all over again. Wouldn't allow any other vehicles past them, they just held the whole flow of traffic hostage to their whims. I find that just as annoying as the revvers.
Assholes are assholes, no matter what they ride.
Okay, WB: now how many times have you encounters dumbass crotch-rocket riders vs. dumbass HD-ers?
For me, the numbers are in the HD riders' favour.
Should I include all the ones who do wheelies in the middle of crowded rush hour traffic, while riding with no helmet? Not that I would consider these guys 'assholes', but you changed the definition to 'dumbass', which I would definitely label them.
Considering that most Harleys are simply incapable of such a feat, I think you can guess the answer there....
for every idiot on a rice rocket you see popping wheelies in rush hour... you see 100 harley's with needlessly loud pipes.
And at least you got to see someone do a wheelie. Instead of just looking at a fat sweaty 50 year old accountant out LARPing.
I had to go look up what LARP meant... that's pretty funny
Speaking of's also not the Harley riders racing full throttle up nearby streets at two in the morning that wake me up.
Mostly because it's past their bedtime, I'm sure. But still....
They all make noise, but why HD? Just courioius. I would never own one, Just'cause they are a piece of junk. It is like buying a Yugo and then bragging about it.
An expensive piece of junk.
By the way I left a comment on nates blog just to piss him off. hheeheheheh.
<span>They all make noise, but why HD?</span>
'Cause the noise is all they've got.
Come to think of it, I do have to agree with you on that score. That sound carries for well over a mile. And in my locale, I'd bet money it's the brothas on their tacky stretched-out jobs. Dorks apparently can't keep from doing wheelies unintentionally, probably too high to manage much besides straight lines.
I keep hoping to hear the idiots crash and explode. No such luck yet.
I actually like the way the classic HD's look: the 40's cop bike look, and the fact they don't go fast doesn't bother me. I think they're also built a lot better than they were, so reliability isn't as big a deal as, say, during the AMF years.
Nothing really wrong with the hardware at all by me. It is ONLY the whack jobs, LARPs, possiers, who think they're somebody they're not just because they put on leather pants and pretend. I put them in the same category as the dorks who buy something like a BMW or Mercedes because they think they'll be cool if they have a cool car, as if it's the car that makes them cool, not the other way around.
Different roles, but the same underlying sicko neediness and pretentiousness. "Look at me, I'm cool! Right?"
Sorry, "Guest" is me.
Here's a break from the Hardlys.
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