Tuesday, March 02, 2010

"Holy Shit!" Adventure Ride.

This makes my testicles try to climb back into my torso.


WaterBoy said...

Hate to be caught up there in a sudden rainstorm.

Or if another bike comes up from the other direction.

Darlin' Joy said...

Every time he looked to the right my heart fluttered thinking he was gonna fall! 

The most insane part is the trail has been ridden enough to actually have a trail!

JACIII said...

Looks like a goat path.

Bill said...

Nah, no goat would be crazy enough to walk along that!

There were like three places along that trail where he could have safely dumped it.  I'd want a wing suit and a parachute when riding that trail.

JACIII said...

What really got to me was climbing the little rock ledge. So many things to go wrong....

farmertom said...

I couldn't watch it all. I hate heights, and just the video was enough to make me queezy.

WTF is wrong with people. Why risk your freaking life on a trail like that?

I am a flat lander. Plain and simple. Give me good old level Iowa  dirt, flat and black.

Nate said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one watching that crap with my heart pounding.

Bill said...

Meh, watching it with pud pounding more like it.

Mikesbo said...

It definately had an astronomical pucker facter. I'll be farting soprano the rest of the evening... I don't see how you could call that kind of thing "fun".

WaterBoy said...

C'mon, FT - you know you really enjoyed that drive up Pikes Peak.... :-D

Michael Maier said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing.

EP said...

So, what's the big deal?

WaterBoy said...


OK, if there's anything that might prompt me to buy a hybrid vehicle, it would have to be this one.

EP said...

Seriuosly, does any one know where this is? I want to try it (if it is in the US)   with Bro on our 1974 XL 350's.

EP said...

Wait, I think it is Bolivia.

JACIII said...

I thought they sounded Austrian.

Mrs JAC said...

two up?

JACIII said...


Anonymous said...

what a couple of morons.

EP said...

JacIII, I think tou may be right about Astrian after i turned trhe volume up. I think but cannot be for sure if he ever gets a scond gear, I believe he does at one point.

EP said...

<span><span><span><span>We have our XL's geared to over rev (1st gear) at five MPH for going places (back sprocket). 5th gear wide open is about 50 MPH. Talk about some tourque on an XL 350. Mine has a tuned pipe and a rcing cam that I bought from a flat track racer for $700.  It was in pieces which big bro put together in a day.

JACIII said...

That chug-chugging is the way I like to roll, too, EP.

Michael Maier said...

They definitely use a lot of German words but the voices are sort of muffled and I can't tell if they were speaking real German or some other Eurotalk.

EP said...

Yeah, me too. I had to go to Granbury, TX to the Motorcicle junk yard to find a a left foot peg. That's what happens when you buy a bike from a flat track racer.

EP said...

A unfunny thing when I bought the bike from him. He was on crutches and said he would be for the rest of his life (Flat track accident). But during the sale he talked about racing with the "old man" (Dick Mann) and how it pissed him off, that he was slowing down while Mann was passing him getting another gear. It is amazing how some people just stand out so far ahead of everyone else.

Professor hale said...

I find it amazing that anyone built that trail in the first place.  Pretty big investment for a one lane path.

kasommer said...

Yikes. that's a pucker-upper.