Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Evil Women Do

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thimscool said...

Disgraceful and potentially flamable. That pooch needs a camping trip.

WaterBoy said...

For shame, Thim!  How do you know that Fido isn't just embracing his Inner Unicorn?

His inner, pink unicorn.

Giraffe said...

Is that a cat under there?  

JACIII said...

The females have castrated him and stolen any shred of dignity the pooch had remaining to him.

Giraffe said...

Beware, lest the same befall you.

Michael Maier said...

Oh come on! It's a yap dog to begin with. There's no dignity for it to lose.

JACIII said...

<span>They will all be long gone before that thought ever attains vocalization.

Wendy said...

I was going to say something along those lines.  Poor thing though.  He can't help that he was born a toy size and therefore without function besides companionship and possibly first alert alarm.

Unless it has magical abilities similar to the bunny in Holy Grail...

Bill said...

You need a bigger dog.

Growling Cougar Watches Man, Dog Near Delaware Townhouses
For years I've had friends tell me that they've found cougar tracks, cougar kills, and one friend even got a photo of a cougar on his game-cam.  Meanwhile, the park rangers insist that these are bobcats, or dogs with short toenails, or figments of imagination, because everybody knows that cougars are extinct in the east.  What's even more interesting is that this happened in freaking New Castle!  This may as well be downtown Philadelphia; it's only a few miles from center-city Wilmington, and maybe two miles from route 95, a highly populated area, wall-to-wall townhouses and Pizza Huts.  And they have THE apex predator wandering around.

Wendy said...

You can't let the one in the picture outside without supervision because a hawk might take off with it.

I think I'd disagree that the cougar is THE apex predator, if we're considering all of N. America.

Bill said...

Well, the only competition for the cougar as apex predator would be the polar bear, and while a polar bear might beat a cougar in a cage match... the polar bear is not really much of a factor in the food chain for 95% of North America.  The brown bears are not really much of a threat, I'm not concerned about them, I regularly camp in bear areas, the precautions, while important, are trivial.  Big cats, on the other hand, are seriously scary - I don't mess with them, even a little bit.

Anonymous said...

So long as nothing else wants to kill and eat it, near as I can tell, it get the "apex reddator" label. Past that it's just, "My dog can whip your dog."

Anonymous said...

[b]Привет Всем! [/b]
Я Екатерина Игнатюк... и это моя первая для начало запись в этом блоге.
Исходя из теории разумного эгоизма и как настоящая "эгоистка" расскажу немножко о себе любимой.
Я молода, здорова, небогата но стремлюсь, амбициозна, полна сил и энергии.
Живу счастливо, чего и Вам всем желаю.
У меня есть Интернет Клуб (Корпоратив у бассейна - что одеть? ) благодаря которому я наменрена помогать сохранять и улучшать здоровье людям.
Буду рада вас видеть у себя в клубе.

Предлагаю Вам [b][url=]секс знакомства с телефоном [/url][/b] и др, с огромным количеством информации по интересующей Вас теме. Для себя я нашла много интересного.

Sarah said...

I think he's cute

Wendy said...

The reason I would disagree is that deep down, cats are cowards.  They hunt alone.  They have everything to lose by taking on more than they can handle.  Unarmed people have beaten off cougars before.  Dogs can tree them.  Bears are nature's tanks and wolves are group predators.  I'd rather face a cougar than either of those two.*

*I'd rather not face a starving cougar.  They have nothing to lose.

That said, I'm an advocate of keeping the fear of man in all of them.