Sunday, October 31, 2004

Tastes Like Chicken.....

I was taught you were to eat what you killed. I ended up eating BBQ whistle pig once to drive that lesson home. I was just wonderin'...

We all know RagHeadMilitants (hereinafter referred to as RHMs) don't eat pork. So obviously they wouldn't taste like pork. But, given you were a cannibal or starving, would they taste like chicken?

Could ya' even stand to eat one? 'Cause you gotta know they smell like ass.


Nate said...

I think I'd sooner die than sully my bowells with such filth.

Wes said...

Amen, Nate.

WellDigger said...

sounds like a recipe for Bochalism to me.

JACIII said...

You wouldn't eat one if that was the price for getting to take a good shot at him?

WellDigger said...

Well I guess that is what they make Pepto for huh.

Nate said...

I don't see why I should have to eat him. Buzzards got to eat to ya know.