Hell would freeze over before a republican was elected to office.
Folks would vote for a Democrat even if it was a yellow dog.
How did this reversal take place? Did the largely agrarian South suddenly start identifying with east coast yankee 'old money'? Hell, no. Those guys have hands like women. A good Godfearin' redneck would cringe to shake hands with one. Ick! makes me dry heave thinkin' about it....
Here's what played out, pay attention, this has a lot to do with today's political situation. JFK gave all the schools in the South to little colored children and then sent the 101'st airborne into the great state of Alabama to make the little white kids attend with them. Doesn't sound familiar does it. I have seen footage of US soldiers with bayonets fixed marching behind white children from their own sidewalk to the schoolhouse. This opened a very few eyes. But enough to shoot the sonofabitch that gave the order. Most thought they could take back the demoncratic party or at least influence it through the massive support it got from the South sorta the way black folk think they have a say in it now
During the 1968 demoncratic convention a bunch of flakes took over the demoncratic party and it became the standard bearer for every sissy, multiculturalist, dike, baby killer, hippie, druggy, relativist, artist, journalist, gun grabber, tree hugger, socialist, college professor, social deviant, retard, frenchman, idiotic utopian and commie ratbastard . Did I leave anyone out?
Political tradition was so ingrained in the South (Lincoln was a goddamned republican after all, and a unitarian!) that home folks didn't start throwing the dogs out for real until the Clintonista's took office and we were treated to fairies prancing on the Mall on national television.
Sadly, some folks hereabouts still don't get it. Were we to make them spend quality time with their voting peer group I daresay they would run for the hills screaming it was all a republican conspiracy.