I've been checking out the blog-intelligentsia lately and there seems to be a consensus among them that it is cool to not vote Tuesday. These folks don't think of themselves as a peer group and hold themselves to be above the average blogjoe, but they exhibit the same behaviors as any other bunch of teenagers.
It is obvious that the most of 'em are highly intelligent folk with reasoning capacity out the wazoo, but the younglings are still striving to be fashionable. One highly respected fella puts this crap out and the rest stumble over themselves to agree.
'oooo! That sounds shocking and witty. I should think that, too.'
And so the bloggers fan out to spread this crap.
Never once have I seen the operative concept applied.
It's your damn job to vote. Go do it. Get off your lazy ass, figure out which is the best, or the lesser of two evils, whichever barometer you decide matters and pull the lever.