I tried my best but I can keep quiet no longer. I am
tired of being assaulted by the kind of racist,
insulting diatribe that has reached its nadir in
recent days on this list.
If diversity is "deviance" Don then I am a "deviant".
I am BLACK and proud of it!
And I will tell you what diversity brings to a nation.
It brings greatness and richness of the type that the
US achieved. The US stands as living proof of what a
nation that is willing to give shelter and
opportunities to all who are willing to work hard
towards a common goal, no matter what their origins,
no matter what their culture or race, can achieve.
Conversely, that is why France is a wimp.
May I remind you that WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS, ALL
The only authenitic Americans are the Native Americans
whose land our founding fathers stole and grabbed,
much as the war in Iraq is about grabbing resources
that belong to others.
May I remind you that our superiority in space
exploration and science during the fifties resulted in
large part from our diversifying by grabbing the
Werner von Brauns and other surplus scientists that
were spirited out of Nazi Germany; that we are barely
maintaining our edge in modern technology thanks to
the thousands of Asians, Africans, Latinos, etc., who
are some of the best brains of their natiive
countries, and who initially came as foreign grad
students and have settled and integrated into our
society .... because we were smart enough to open our
arms to them. France marginalized her contingent.
As for her problems, France is just reaping the fruits
of her centuries of colonial exploitation and
depredations, when she ravaged and plundered a good
third of the surface of the globe.
As for Veterans Day, we Blacks remember many things:
the Buffalo Soldiers, the Black Regiments who fought
with valor and distinction both during the Great War
and in all theatres from Anzio to Berlin during WWII,
the Tuskeegee Airmen, etc
Do you know what all the above shared in common?
Besides willlingness to pay the ultimate price for our
freedoms? for our country?
They were all abused because of their race, some were
spat upon on their return from their wars and beaten
EVEN WHILE IN UNIFORM riding back down to their homes
in the South in segregated rail cars. Our fathers
tell of German POWs being treated better than Black US
And I, personally, on Veterans Day, think about my
nephew who has just completed a tour in Iraq and who
through the "Back Door Draft" has to do another in
Afghanistan, and I pray for him and all our young
brave soldiers who are dying and being IEDed into
mangled flesh in a war into which this nation was
cynically conned by a totally ruthless band of
arrogant men who abused the great patriotism of the
kind displayed on this list and exploited the strong
religious fervor of the kind that Dondiego has in his
heart, (I don't agree with your views, Don, but I
respect your right to hold them, and even admire your
certitude) while Dick Cheney and Halliburton and
Bush's Big Oil bretheren laugh all the way to the
This may be my last communication to this list because
I fully expect to be kicked off it!
If so, it was great knowing you guys.
I and others have had remarkably sane discourse with this person in the past. Who new Louis Farrakahn was so close to the surface?