Can the world get any more fucked up? Folks in power are passin' out favors and suckin' up to their commie rat bastard socalled competition like there is a fire sale goin' on. Folks wanting back in power are making it quite clear they'd as soon tear the whole place down if we don't give them their ball back so they can make the rules again.
It is amazing to me to watch filthy rich folks acting empathetic with the unwashed masses and the masses falling for it. A fella the other day remarked to me that he didn't understand why politicians did not seem nearly concerned as they should be about $3/gallon gas and record fuel prices. I told him because those pols were of a different class than him to such an extent that a $3/gal tank of gas was a trifling sum to them on the order of the change in the bottom of his pocket. He blinked as if awaking and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right." And then, I could tell, went promptly back to la-la land. Democrat, of course.