There are always three ways; your way, their way, MY WAY. Things will go a lot easier for you if we just do it my way in the first place.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Where will the tsunami money end up?
How damn stupid do you have to be after the Israeli's were turned away? I guess I should take solace in the fact that GW isn't letting the UN finger our money before the ragheads get it? I must give the old boy credit, though, since the usual eurosnots are decidedly miffed about his UN end run.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
State of Fear
If you have folks around that are of the tree-hugging variety though not yet dogmatic you might encourage this read. As usual the science is well researched and presented with footnotes and references.
Oh, it's a pretty fun read, too.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Not very Christmas-like, but.....
On the way home she passed a tattoo parlor and thought, 'What the heck, maybe I'll get an idea.'. Once inside she asked the artist to tatoo a 'B' on her left butt cheek and a 'B' on her right butt cheek.
She drove home very excited, because she knew her husband really thinks she has a fine figure and this would please him immensely. Once in the house she told him he was really going to enjoy this years Christmas present! He said, 'Well, let me have it then!'. She beckoned him to follow her to the bedroom and told him she would show it to him.
Once they were in the bedroom she dropped her drawers and bent over presenting to him her monogrammed, shapely behind. 'Well, what do you think?' she asked.
'That's nice, Honey, but who is "BoB"?
Merry Christmas Y'all!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I got a woody!
You may drool.
I called all over the country trying to find TWO of 'em.
For those who don't know; Kahr Arms makes a serious pistol the fit, finish, and function of which approaches high end custom firearms and in some cases exceeds them. The triggers are similar to the ParaOrdnance LDA's and they are all 'carry' guns, meaning they are for concealed carry. In my mind they are the perfect company to build John Browning's masterpiece. Now if I can just find and lock down a pair of low sequential serial numbered examples.....
Sunday, December 12, 2004
It's not the size of the horse.
I let my daughters alternate drawing numbers and my eldest drew a fine long legged black on a particular race and a buddy of mine drew the #10 horse which couldn't have been 15 hands. It was a light bay and looked like a Hackney Pony out there with those monsters.
This heat of the High Hope is three miles over jumps. Think about that. That's quite a bit farther than your typical race. Each lap was one mile and we were standing just before the start/finish line. They had a walkup start and the big horses pulled away immediately. I poked fun at my friend who drew the diminutive little stallion. Not a chance for him.
Two miles later and the little guy was still chugging along third from last in a ten horse race. They went over a hill going away from us and were out of sight for about a half mile. When they reappeared the little fella was making a BIG move. By the time they reached the last jump, dead in front of us, he kicked in the afterburners and made mules of 'em. Won going away.
I am still amazed at the performance. Running that far with bigger horses; think how many more strides he had to take and how much faster his little feet had to move. Every horse out there was a descendant of derby winners and some of triple crown horses. Put that horses heart in the chest of one of those monsters and you'd have another Man-O-War.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
The other side of horses.

I am a farrier.
For those of you who don't know, that is a fancy word for a blacksmith who shoes horses. I live and work near Lexington, Kentucky so I interact with a lot of horses, horsemen, and horsewomen on a regular basis. There has come up in the comments here some discussion of breeds and I have a couple things to address with respect to these comments, but first for those who haven't been here:
The Bluegrass:
I don't care where you live, what kind of horses your area is famous for, or how many cowboys live there. You ain't seen nothin' like Lexington and surrounds when it comes to horses. When I write 'horse farm' here, what comes to mind? Fifty acres and a mudhole with 30 dirty horses wandering around? 150 acres with a riding arena and a stable you could see yourself spending the night in? How about 3500 acres with seven 'barns' full of one family's hobby Morgan horses, each 'barn' has three guys fulltime to clean it, two fulltime trainers, and a fulltime manager. The walkway in the stud barn is brick paved. Now, when I write 'barn' to have to understand I don't mean what a cow lives in. Think shopping mall with stalls instead of boutiques, but with nicer bathrooms.
Impressive? That's a small farm for a breed nobody cares about. The entire area is lined with white four board fences, slave fences (fences of rocks fitted and stacked together in a manner requiring no mortar) and barns that look like mansions. There is even an honest to goodness no-shit castle.
Enough of that.
Draft horses; mess with them at your peril. I was helping a friend of mine, who goes 220lbs easily, shoe a percheron when a fly landed on its side. The horse used the farrier for a flyswat. The horse lifted him up (we hold the hoof between our knees), slapped him up against its belly, shook him loose onto the ground, and stepped on him. He survived, but was a might sore for a few days. How hard did the horse step on him? Hard enough to mash the fancy engraved silver lid on his copenhagen. Bear in mind the horse wasn't being belligerent; it is just so strong that it forgot and didn't notice it had a 220lb man attached to its leg. I won't shoe a draft horse for less than $100.00 per foot. Luckily, that scares most folks away.
Friesian's. Spacebunny, all women want Friesians. I can't imagine why except to look at 'em. Don't you get enough work on a hairbrush with your daughters? The tangles must be horrendous. And that long hair around their hooves - massive dingleberries!
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Demon Spawn
We have a young 70lb. dog that likes to try and push Isabella around (35lbs.). I look up the other day and she's puttin' her boots to the dog. Walks on like nothing happened.
A little girl in her Sunday school class asked, "Will you play with me?".
Isabella says, "If Igive you a quarter will you leave me alone?".
We have been trying to get my oldest daughter to pay attention to her manners. She is 11 and we have been trying to get her to start sitting like a lady. We had been working on reminding her at every opportunity for a week or so when I walked by Isabella lounging in my recliner.
Hey, Dad!", she says while hoisting one leg up over her head, "Not very lady-like is it?!" Laughed herself silly.
I killed a beautiful young doe a couple years back. The girls insisted on seeing it. I was thinkin' well they damn sure won't eat any venison after seeing this pitiful innocent lookin' critter bad ol' Daddy shot. I opened the back of my wagoneer (yep - wood on the sides!) and they felt its fur and walked back in the house. No big deal. They loved the meat that winter. When it was gone the following summer Isabella says, "Dad, do you remember that girl deer you killed last winter?"
Fearing the worst, I said,"Yes Isabella. Why?"
Isabella - "Will you kill another one so we can eat it?"
Ya' see what I'm up against?
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Har(d)ley Men
Anyhow, we get to talking about the riding spots we have in common and decided to try to get together when one or the other's riding group was passing near one of our homes. The old guy rides primarily an FJR1300 (this is a GrandSport Touring bike - that means it will run 130mph all day with grace and no apparent effort) so I warned him that the guys I ride with (the aliens) ride cruisers and I didn't want him to be bored. He said he sometimes rides w/ cruisers also and doesn't mind pokin' around some. This turned the discussion toward the Har(d)ley brand of motorcycle.
My thinking on these bikes is that it is the two wheeled equivalent of Ford Motor Company still producing shiny new Model 'A's and charging exhorbitant prices for them. His observation was this:
'I feel sorry for those guys when I see them on the road. You know they can't be comfortable; most Har(d)ley riders I talk to just don't know any better. They haven't ever ridden anything else.'
That about says it all.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
When it is OK to lie
Never tell a lie when you have a reasonable expectation that someone will really believe it and/or act on it. Got it?
Now, my favorite way of lieing is also my favorite way of telling the truth.
A friend or relative does something I consider open to ridicule; perhaps for their own good, or perhaps just for the potential entertainment value to you both. Let's say I find rap 'music' on his MP3 player. What's that one?... I think it's 'nelly' or some such. Anyway, being a friend or relative implies it's someone I care about so I can't just slam the fella and leave him no way to defend himself if the story gets out to those who just want to throw darts his way and indulge in serious public ridicule. So I mix enough falsehood into the tale to let the fella know I have his valuable parts in a vise, but I am such a nice fella I won't turn the screw. This has the wonderful effect of making him grateful for the small amount of humiliation he is undergoing at my hands.
I would wait until we were at a family gathering, or among folks whose opinion he cares about (this is a VERY small group for your average redneck) and say, ' BillyBob, man I sure appreciate you lettin' me take your MP3 player on that trip last week. By the way, how long have you been listening to "M&M"?'
Among likeminded folks this is tantamount to throwing blood in the water for sharks, a feeding frenzy will occur and a large time will be had by all, including the victim. Because he has a way out.
You see, I was kind enough to lie about the truth of his transgression.
Billybob can honestly claim there was no "M&M" on his MP3 player with all the feigned injury and moral outrage which is the privilege of the falsely accused. All the while Billybob knows I let him off the hook, since he now knows that I know he is a closet 'rapper' ('Rapper' to a redneck is the moral equivalent of that monkey you see playing with himself everytime you go to the zoo), a fact I would hold over his head 'til his dyeing day.
I have heard folks refer to the above example as an 'artful' lie and I have no problem with that description. Just so long as the lie is not something you expect someone to really believe...
Saturday, November 27, 2004
It's been downhill from here......

JACIII WellDigger Nate

Just so you know, this is how it starts. Wimpy little geek bikes - not much more than scooters - dark sunglasses, leather jackets, and a willingness to waste large amounts of time rippin' around on Tennessee's two lanes no matter what the wife says.
- Where ya' goin' ?
- Don't know.
- Well, when are you gonna be back ?
- Don't know.
- Are we going out to Demo's (fine Greek resturant in Murfreesboro, TN) ?
- If we get back in time.
- When's that?
- Don't know.
- We're supposed to go to Brook's to play pictionary tonight!
- (Insert bellylaughs from Nate's big brothers here.)
Now, that's for an afternoon ride, think what the conversation was like for a week out west at Felony Velocity.
To be fair the womenfolk have been remarkably tolerant of this sort of behavior, as womenfolk go. Or we'd be single by now !
The OTHER Big Red
Some of you fellas out there probably goin' around sportin' those green caps with that yellow deer on 'em. "Nothing runs like a Deere", eh?
Came across an article on the values of used tractors - IH appreciates, JD depreciates.
'Nuff said.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I need to move to Florida where it rains damn near every day but you can't tell it ever happened 30 minutes later. Anybody in south Florida need a horseshoer?
Sunday, November 21, 2004
From Al on the 'Poodle Shooter' :
"That is why I do not like the .223 it did not kill enough of the enemy, who had nothing but contempt for anything shooting them. Give our people a weapon that is superior is my point. I was sort of hit by a sniper in bad guy country. He got frustrated that I did not give him a good shot and managed to hit my butt pack and kill my lunch. A C-Rat. can of spagetti and mystery meat. Pieces of the can embedded themselves in my right buttock and I can tell you tomato sauce sure stings. I qualified for most embarassing purple target award in Laos and only Kerry had me beat in SEA because his was self inflicted. Although my staff sergeant did come close when he got most of his butt blown off by an RPG on the banks of the Mekong River. They just do not make bandages big enough for that but we got a poncho to fit and I was amazed when I got back stateside and I found out he had survived."
Thanks for your service, Al, and the insight. A lighter, more compact M-14 was certainly doable back then. The stuff Springfield is making now isn't so much high tech as it is simply updated from WWII materials and methods.The M-16 was most certainly a political decision, and the bean counters in the pentagon were focused on 'numbers' (weight, capacity, etc.) instead of practical application and war worthiness. Plus, it was a 'new way' (high velocity - low mass) which always feeds the egos of the next generation believing everyone before them was a little less sharp.
As we look back on this fiasco, and it's attendant switch to 9mm handguns we can see the lesson is learned, but I will bet the farm it will not be applied to future equipment issued to our men in harm's way.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Theory of the Rifle
This comes up due to our discussion of the mini-14. You see the fine weapon above has a medium 'sporter' barrel and is subject to barrel 'whip' as is the mini-14. The major differences between the two are the diameter of the barrel, the quality of the barrel and action (I know smartass - one's a semi and the other bolt), and attention in design to the requirements of precision shooting.
Now, none of the above requires explanation except the part about attention in design to the requirements of precision shooting.
'Whatever do you mean by that JACIII?', you ask.
Pay attention, Grasshopper:
Whenever a cartridge is discharged in a chamber and a bullet is propelled down the tube a wave is propagated along the length of the barrel. When you read Gregg refer to 'tuning' a gun, whether he knows it or not, he was referring to the process through trial and error of finding a combination of powder charge (acceleration) and bullet weight (mass) that relate to the wave propagated by same charge and bullet consistently at bullet exit. This is no small task and requires much knowledge, skill (both at the shooting bench and the reloading bench), patience, and attention to detail.
While most rifles are 'tunable' with good results, some are not. I consider 'good results' one minute of angle or a roughly one inch group at 100 yds.
Now, that's not really good enough. When you read Nate, Welldigger, or
myself post about a shot group we are referring to the absolute diameter of the
group of holes, center to center, in a target. This is not the common
standard reference which is more like a standard deviation measurement.
Good enough is under one half inch at 100 yds and 'one 0.270
inch hole' is what we are after.
Comparing the two guns mentioned above we see Gregg 'tuned' his mini-14 to two inches through meticulous trial and error and experimentation (A gun magazine would have within one inch of the center of a shot group; that's 2 inches in my book) whereas the Model 70 can be 'tuned' to 0.350 inches (that's 0.1750 inches in a gun magazine) by the simple artifice of turning a weighted suppressor with a micrometer thread, barrel, lock, and index marks to the listed value in the owners manual for the desired bullet weight. Granted the manual's value was the starting point, but it wasn't far off my final setting.
These two guns are in the same expense class (below $750).
Do you now see, Grasshopper, why the Mini-14 is a piece of shit?
note: Data for above Model 70 was with refired cases, H4831SC powder, and a 130gr Sierra HPBT running at 3600+fps in a molycoated barrel with no signs of overpressure. DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF. DEATH OR INJURY MAY RESULT.
Biscuitboy Gets an Upgrade
A little work from Picture Publisher some swelling in the appropriate places and BiscuitBoy has an Upgraded Wife!
Just doing my part to promote Marital Bliss!
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
The Mini-14
You may have a Mini-14 that shoots dead nuts bullseyes first shot every time but the next ten rounds are all over the countryside. Let it cool back down for 30 minutes - first shot- bullseye; next 10 to hell and gone. Now I don't actually believe there are Mini-14's out there that are even that good.
It is on par with eastern bloc weapons where accuracy is reported in percentage of hits. Which is to say - shit.
Ruger is unapologetic about this. The will tell you it is a 'utility' gun and a five inch group at fifty yards is accepatble. Ripoff city.
I think they are made with rejected 10/22 sporter barrels. Only thing I can figure that would make them so bad.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
It's too late for the green haired
"Today, instead of men celebrating the testosterone fog God created us to
live in, which makes us by fiat the provider, protector, hunter and hero of our
nation, men now are preening, irresponsible, passive navel gazers to whom
responsibility, courage, self sacrifice, and honor have become dirty
words. " ----- Doug Giles
Here's hopin' you ain't one 'cause the testosterone fog is the root of all things worth doin'!
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Friday, November 12, 2004
An introduction and welcome to TFR
'The sound of 12K RPM at 160mph...'
This guy is a buddy of mine whom Nate has met (he was one of the erstwhile plumbers when we picked up that AC unit in Lexington) and he's not kidding about the 160mph. But he means 160 in the 1/4 mile!
See, TFR went out and bought the baddest bike then on the planet, the Suzuki Hayabusa, (the baddest bike is now the ZX10R) upon which the combined knowledge, reasoning, innovation, sweat, and overtime of a thousand Japanese engineers was lavished too make it the ultimate pull your arms out of their sockets, blurr the scenery fast. All the while still being capable of touring, daily driving, or shooting the twisties with aplomb.
That's not fast enough for TFR.
9.6 seconds in the 1/4 mile just won't do!
Gotta do it in 9.0!
So what's TFR do? He takes it apart. Seriously, new bike. Incredible bike. Nothing wrong with it! He takes it apart. Sets it up for drag racing and goes around runinng it on weekends. Extended swingarm, high compression pistons, the whole bit.
Somewhere some Japanese Project Engineering Team Leader is thinking,
"We make perfect motorcycle! Spend billion yen on design and testing! Motorcycle fastest in whole world! Still dependable! Ride to work! Take wife on holiday! You fuck up motorcycle! Only go straight line. Stupid American!"
In TFR's defense he did win a race this past weekend. But, ya' can't get him to go ridin' with ya'.
Unless you agree to stop every 1/4 mile.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Happiness is Two Bikes
Got up yesterday mornin' - Didn't feel like workin', checked the weather and saw it was gonna warm up in the early morning so......... Ridin' time!
It was still a bit cool so I broke out the Mothership (a Voyager by Kawasaki Heavy Industries) and rode the chill out the morning. Something about that cool crisp autumn air makes me breathe a little deeper, see a little farther down the road. I had the roads pretty much to myself so I stretched her legs a bit. Don't get excited - she's only a 1200 an weighs in around 1100 pounds, but she'll cruise at 95 all day. All was well 'til I decided to stop at Walmart.
Old men want my motorcycle. The Viagra/ Depends crowd look at it with undisguised lust, hell, they'll come right out and say it. 'That could be a show bike!', 'I can't believe it's 20 years old', 'Would you consider selling it?' I feel like I'm bein' hit on for christ sake! I just wanna ride. Leave me the hell be. I've told three geezers in the past week that my geezerglide is NOT for sale.
Sure enough one starts up. I hate to be rude... no I don't, but I was taught better so I grin and wait for an opportunity to split. And I do.
Next I pull to a stoplight and I hear a chick voice, 'Nice bike!'. Now we're gettin' somewhere!
Um, Uh, Thanks. (Push volume UP, Channel surf the radio!) RUN AWAY!
The ride home was nice, if a little nervous. So I pull in and there is poor Big Red. Forlorn. Jealous? Big Red needs to stretch her legs, too, I'm thinkin'. Long legs....
Now, Big Red is a Kawasaki Heavy Industries GPz1100. She's red as a whore's fingernails, one wicked bitch, and she can show ya' God if ya' got the balls to look. The kind of bike that makes one do 'Bad Things'. Lou Reed has a song about her...... nuff said.
So I presto chango from young blue-hair magnet to elder hooligan and turn the key. The rumble of 120 horse brings my blood up. Oh boy, is this gonna be fun! I give her some time and just enjoy the sound. O.K. - out onto the tarmac.... Man she sounds good..... Twist-release-lean-TWIST OH Yeah! Up comes the front wheel (she loves me). 105 is too fast in a residential area, so I ease off and make for my favorite country road. I won't bore you with the details of desserted two lane curvacious, hilly, perfectly paved roads other than to say I was airborne only once.
That's a two bike day.
Break 'em down
Since y'all gave w/o regard for the razzin' you're gonna get I guess I'll come clean, too. Some of these tunes I don't know the titles of or the band so I posted the hook.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries GPz1100 riding tunes list:
Get the Party Started - Pink
Welcome to the Jungle - Guns and F*****' Roses (Dnagerous tune.....)
What it's like - Everlast
Stacey's Mom - ?
Make it alright - ?
Here without you -
Cold Hard Bitch - Jet
Cowboy - Kid Rock
Picture - ^ and Sheryl Crowe
Heaven - Los Lonely Boys
Senorita - " "
Where Would You Be Now - Martina McBride
Figured You Out - Nickleback
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
Holy Water - Bad Company
Man In the Box - Alice in Chains
Touch Too Much AC/DC
Wild West Show - Big and Rich (Iron Butt inspiration tune for west Texas!)
Saved - B&R
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy - (B&R)
Deadwood Mountain - B&R
Live This Life - B&R
Ghost Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash
Even Flow - Pearl Jam
Wish You Were Here - Rednex
Smoke Rings in the Dark - Gary Allan
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Ridin' tunes
We all have a list of tunes that help us concentrate on the task at hand. Which ones help you get that extra twist of the wrist. I expect the goods from Nate and WellDigger.
Any cagers can post their 'excercise' list.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Wisdom from Paris
You know, sometimes the smartest things come from the most unlikely places. Let me lay this out for ya';
On election eve a buddy of mine, Biscuit Boy - not his real name - a coast to coast rider (from the drainage ditch on the east side of the walmart parking lot to the ditch on the west side of the lot) on his cruiser was having trouble explaining to some congenital democrats he works with that the Iraq invasion was a part prosecuting the war on jihadists. Here is how he explained it:
A bunch of ragheads break into your home rape and kill your wife and cut off your children's heads. Now, you survive and when you gather your wits about you, what do you do? Do you go after just the ragheads who did this? No. You go after every raghead you can find. That's what GW is doing in Iraq.
GW knows where some ragheads are and he's got a good excuse to kill some of 'em.
Simple ain't it? Pretty impressive for a fella who keeps a pink hairbrush in his tailpack .
Sunday, November 07, 2004
You must take the northeast, too....
Check it out!
Beef Seasoning
Here's one that looks promising:
2 cups packed light brown sugar
1 cup kosher salt
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup garlic seasoning
1/4 tablespoon chili powder
1/4 cup lemon pepper
1/4 cup onion salt
1/4 teaspoon celery salt
2 tablespoons coarse ground black pepper
2 tablespoons whole celery seeds
1 teaspoon crushed cloves
1 tablespoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon Mrs. Dash original blend
1/4 cup salt
!Fair Warning!
Any yankee ketchup 'BBQ' sauces will be ridiculed.
We have been here before....
Initially the little countries ignored edicts and proclamations of the governing body that were ridiculous or blatantly violated the parameters of power that had been placed upon it. By the time the little countries realized this was getting to be a problem the governing body had become more powerful than any of the little countries is was supposed to serve. In fact it had become more powerful than any group of countries from the whole it was supposed to serve.
Eventually the governing body solidified its control over the little countries through force of arms.
Of course I am speaking the American 'Civil War', but does this not apply to the dynamic of the United Nations and its member 'States'? Or is it 'states' already?
Haloscsan up
Sorry folks, you'll just have to come up w/ new ones.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
What does it say about a man who always wins, but just barely? Is he an habitual underachiever or a damn political election 'shark'?
I think the pool analogy fits: A pool shark can beat you handily in a straight up game, and some will do just that, but a true artist will string you along and miss selected shots, maybe even losing for part of the game, so that you continue to believe you are playing someone of similar calibre. Then they drop the hammer.
I'm beginning to think GW is droppin' hammers. And that my friends is a scary thought.
Monday, November 01, 2004
One Party System
Hell would freeze over before a republican was elected to office.
Folks would vote for a Democrat even if it was a yellow dog.
How did this reversal take place? Did the largely agrarian South suddenly start identifying with east coast yankee 'old money'? Hell, no. Those guys have hands like women. A good Godfearin' redneck would cringe to shake hands with one. Ick! makes me dry heave thinkin' about it....
Here's what played out, pay attention, this has a lot to do with today's political situation. JFK gave all the schools in the South to little colored children and then sent the 101'st airborne into the great state of Alabama to make the little white kids attend with them. Doesn't sound familiar does it. I have seen footage of US soldiers with bayonets fixed marching behind white children from their own sidewalk to the schoolhouse. This opened a very few eyes. But enough to shoot the sonofabitch that gave the order. Most thought they could take back the demoncratic party or at least influence it through the massive support it got from the South sorta the way black folk think they have a say in it now
During the 1968 demoncratic convention a bunch of flakes took over the demoncratic party and it became the standard bearer for every sissy, multiculturalist, dike, baby killer, hippie, druggy, relativist, artist, journalist, gun grabber, tree hugger, socialist, college professor, social deviant, retard, frenchman, idiotic utopian and commie ratbastard . Did I leave anyone out?
Political tradition was so ingrained in the South (Lincoln was a goddamned republican after all, and a unitarian!) that home folks didn't start throwing the dogs out for real until the Clintonista's took office and we were treated to fairies prancing on the Mall on national television.
Sadly, some folks hereabouts still don't get it. Were we to make them spend quality time with their voting peer group I daresay they would run for the hills screaming it was all a republican conspiracy.
Predictions anyone?
Fell free to prognosticate. Yes, lemmings may offer an opinions, also.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Tastes Like Chicken.....
We all know RagHeadMilitants (hereinafter referred to as RHMs) don't eat pork. So obviously they wouldn't taste like pork. But, given you were a cannibal or starving, would they taste like chicken?
Could ya' even stand to eat one? 'Cause you gotta know they smell like ass.
Vote Lemmings
It is obvious that the most of 'em are highly intelligent folk with reasoning capacity out the wazoo, but the younglings are still striving to be fashionable. One highly respected fella puts this crap out and the rest stumble over themselves to agree.
'oooo! That sounds shocking and witty. I should think that, too.'
And so the bloggers fan out to spread this crap.
Never once have I seen the operative concept applied.
It's your damn job to vote. Go do it. Get off your lazy ass, figure out which is the best, or the lesser of two evils, whichever barometer you decide matters and pull the lever.